Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Smallest Stuff is Big Enough

One of the things that I struggle most with is my need to measure up to the world’s standards. For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to live a “big” life, do “big” successful things. I even want to have a “big” ministry for God. It is so easy for me to mix up our culture’s views of success with God’s idea of success. I tend to measure my self worth by what I have done lately, even though the Bible gives me a very different standard to live by and strive for. I tend to think that if only I can do big things or have a big ministry, God will be very pleased with me. More accurately, I will be pleased with myself. (Any questions, just see my profile at right. Oh, and my blogger name…)

I was visiting a church last Sunday and there was a man in the row in front of me, white and in his fifties, with a black boy, about 14, who was in a wheel chair with what appeared to be cerebral palsy. I don’t know anything about their story, or how the boy came to be in the man’s care. During the service, the man held the boy’s hand, gently touched his face, wiped his mouth. They were strangers to me, but I know that this man loved this boy. I cried.

I was seeing God.

I saw His glory displayed more magnificently than the most beautiful sunset and grander than the Grand Canyon. I beheld Him there, just a few feet away from me, close enough to touch. He was doing what He is best at- not preaching, not publishing best sellers, not on television or on a magazine cover. He was loving and serving.

And I was reminded (once again)- I can do that. I will probably never be famous or raise millions of dollars for charity or have my name on a building- but I can joyfully serve, I can love. I can cheerfully make my kids breakfast, attentively listen to my husband, tie my nephew’s shoe, be kind to the waitress who is having a bad day. I can go out of my way to volunteer at the urban afterschool program (something I said I was going to do, but somehow just didn’t get around to…). I can choose to be inconvenienced for the sake of love.

And that would be really big.

PS. Here is the really hilarious irony – I am sitting here, wondering if this is too corny, too clichĂ©, too simple to post- In other words, is it good enough, “big” enough??!!?? Just gotta get over it…………


Linda said...

I think we all need the encouragement to remember that the small stuff really is the big stuff. As we are learning to see things differently, it is great to be encouraged by others who are learning to view ministry in a different way.

Barb said...

Not too corney, not too cliche, not too simple.

Sounds like a Jesus follower.

Former Leader

Mary said...


Funny, I was just thinking about this yesterday. Not measuring myself by the world's standards is harder than I thought it would be.

What you wrote about the man and the boy in church was beautiful. Thanks for sharing it.

Erin said...

Great post. It's exactly what I've been learning lately.

Anonymous said...

Don't push yourself to write wordy stuff if it's not there. Quality, not quantity. You post makes me feel warm.